It all started...

...back in 2012. I was selling small handmade items I enjoyed creating in my free time, under the name 'Uniquely Chic'. Thanks to all of the amazing support and encouragement I received from friends, family, and shoppers like you, since then I've been able to expand to multiple locations across West Michigan and launch an online Etsy store

     In 2017 I felt it was time to rebrand to reflect our beloved Michigan roots and handmade nature, so the Brush and Timber Co. was born! It's a family business these days; my daughter creates our designs, I hand-paint them, and my husband frames. 

     I'm a mother of three beautiful girls, have a fishing obsessed husband, two dirty dogs, and two crazy cats. Our house is little but our hearts are big. My hope is that when you purchase a sign from us, it brings joy to you and your family for years to come, because they are a joy for us to make. 

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
— Isaiah 40:31